Wild Game processing service has returned!
We offer an extensive wild game processing service. Below you will find information regarding animal intake, processing and helpful links to ethical hunting/fishing laws & regulations and courses.
WIN#, Wildlife Certificate#, TAG# and WMU# (for all animals) or Migratory Game Stamp#, to complete our hunter information form (A record of intake required by the government for any processor). We CAN NOT process or retain any wild game without this information. PRINT HUNTER INFORMATION FORM
We reserve the right to refuse any meat we feel unfit for consumption
(ie.dirty, hairy, freezer burnt).
We DO NOT accept ground meat for sausage (bacterial reasons).
We recommend you drop off meat Tue-Sat between 9-3p
Wild game processing SHUTS DOWN end of November, resuming mid January. We reserve the right to shut down earlier and refuse any meat we deem unfit.
Clean your meat well. Fat and sinew free meat = the best sausage!
Freeze your meat in 20lb batches (as there is a 25lb batch minimum)
Avoid garbage bags of any kind for freezing (many are scented or contain chemicals). We recommend freezer bags, food grade pails and butcher paper.
Use the following sources to find laws, regulations and organizations in your area that offer courses such as: Hunter Education, Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC), Boat Safety